John Cusack in Istanbul

American actor John Cusack is in Istanbul and was was spotted last night enjoying a late-night wine session with his Turkish girlfriend.

Following a dinner at the Galata Tower, Cusack and his girlfriend moved on to Istanbul’s famous night club Reina. Cusack sent his girlfriend home beforehand, and then left the club on his own.

Despite the best efforts of his security guards, Cusack was photographed leaving the club.

He is reported to be on vacation in Turkey, staying in the Çırağan Palace.

American film actor and screenwriter John Cusack started his career at the age of eight, under the guidance of his theatrically active mother. He has appeared in more than 50 films, including Say Anything…, Grosse Point Blank, The Thin Red Line, Stand by Me, Con Air, Being John Malkovich, High Fidelity, Serendipity, Runaway Jury, The Ice Harvest, 1408, Igor, 2012 and Hot Tub Time Machine.

Author: istanbul

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