First Istanbul Design Biennial Programme

The first Design Biennial in Istanbul will be held between 13 October and 12 December 2012.

The Istanbul Design Biennial, organised by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) under the co-sponsorship of Eren Holding, Koray Group of Companies, Vestel and VitrA, will be held on 13 October-12 December 2012. The programme of the Istanbul Design Biennial, as well as details of biennial’s theme and exhibitions were announced at a press meeting at Galata Greek Primary School, on Monday, 12 March evening.

The Istanbul Design Biennial adopted the theme “Imperfection” (Kusurluluk) at the suggestion of Mr. Deyan Sudjic, a member of the Istanbul Design Biennial advisory board who is the Director of the Design Museum in London and under the curatorship of Emre Arolat and Joseph Grima, will be held between 13 October and 12 December 2012. The exhibitions of the Istanbul Design Biennial will explore a wide range of fields from urban to architecture, industrial, graphic, fashion, and new media design, and all relevant creative products and projects. The biennial exhibitions will be at Istanbul Modern and Galata Greek Primary School while the events will be held at various venues in the city.

A press meeting was organised to share the outline of the Istanbul Design Biennial programme, and to give information about the biennial theme and content of exhibitions at Galata Greek Primary School on Monday, 12 March.

İKSV Chairman Bülent Eczacıbaşı, curators of the Istanbul Design Biennial Emre Arolat and Joseph Grima, and Director of the Istanbul Design Biennial Özlem Yalım Özkaraoğlu participated to the press meeting. During the press meeting, curators Emre Arolat and Joseph Grima, who will present two independent approaches by interpreting the biennial theme separately, shared details of their exhibitions “Musibet” and “Adhocracy” with the press.

Meri Komorosano, Chairman of Galata Greek Primary School which will be the host of a cultural event for the first time with the Istanbul Design Biennial and Yorgo Demir, member of the board of directors, made a speech on behalf of the school at the press meeting.

The Istanbul Design Biennial will be held under co-sponsorship of four leading and creative companies of the sector. On behalf of co-sponsors, Chairman of Board of Directors Ahmet Eren on behalf of Eren Holding, Koray Construction Company CEO and Board Member M. Şamil Çapar on behalf of Koray Group of Companies, Vestel Companies Group Chairman of the Executive Board Ömer Yüngül on behalf of Vestel, and Eczacıbaşı Building Products Division Executive Vice President Hüsamettin Onanç on behalf of VitrA participated to the press meeting.

“The first design biennial of our city will bring out the potential of Istanbul, one of the most inspiring cities in the world, in terms of design.”

İKSV Chairman Bülent Eczacıbaşı stated in the press meeting “The first design biennial of our city aims to bring out potential of Istanbul, one of the most inspiring cities in the world, in terms of design and providing an alternate approach to design, which is covered in the biennial in widest terms, as a cultural element which is in contact with every aspect of our daily life. We believe that the Istanbul Design Biennial will be a satisfactory organisation enriching its field, introducing current cultural productions in our country to international platforms, and bringing different tendencies and practices from all around the world to Istanbul as all other organizations by the Istanbul Foundation of Culture and Arts.”

With the main theme of ‘Imperfection,’ the first Istanbul Design Biennial aims to celebrate the city’s distinctive creative qualities and encapsulate a wider discussion about the nature of design.

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Author: istanbul

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