Istanbul residents has chosen the Anatolian side’s modest and historic district Üsküdar as the “most desired” district of the city in which to live, according to a survey conducted by the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICOC).
Some 2,000 participants participated in the survey, titled “Istanbul People Housing Tendencies.”
Üsküdar placed top, with 7.4 percent of the people saying it was the most desired district to live in. Fellow Asian side district Kadıköy was chosen as the 2nd most desired with 6.1 percent, while the city’s European side’s historic peninsula of Fatih came third on the list with 4.7 percent of respondents choosing it.
Other European side districts Bakırköy, Bahçelievler, Beşiktaş, Sarıyer, Ümraniye, Beykoz, Maltepe and Küçükmece, in that order, were chosen as the other most desired to live places.
Some 71.8 percent of Istanbul residents said they would prefer living in low-rise buildings, with 93.7 saying they disliked living in high-rise buildings.
Some 21.9 percent said they would prefer to live in “traditional neighborhoods.”
When participants were asked what they considered the biggest problem in Istanbul to be, 70.8 said it was traffic and transportation.